Young Star Insurance Policy - Major Benefits and Highlights:
🏥 Comprehensive Coverage: Covers hospitalization expenses, including room rent, ICU charges, doctor's fees, and other related costs.
📅 Pre and Post-Hospitalization: Medical expenses incurred 60 days before and 90 days after hospitalization are covered.
🏥 Day Care Procedures: Covers 405 day care procedures that require hospitalization for less than 24 hours.
🚑 Ambulance Cover: Coverage for ambulance services up to a specified limit per hospitalization.
🩺 Health Check-Up: Annual health check-up expenses are covered after every policy year without any claim.
🎁 No-Claim Bonus: Increase in the sum insured for every claim-free year, up to a specified percentage.
🫀 Organ Donor Expenses: Covers medical expenses for organ donor treatment.
🔄 Automatic Restoration: Automatic restoration of 100% of the sum insured once in a policy year upon exhaustion of the sum insured.
💵 Hospital Cash: Daily cash benefit for hospitalization exceeding a specified number of days.
🌿 AYUSH Treatment: Covers expenses for non-allopathic treatments like Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy.
👶 Maternity and Newborn Cover: Maternity expenses are covered along with newborn baby cover for a specified period.
💉 Vaccination Expenses: Coverage for vaccination expenses for children up to a specified age.
🧠 Mental Health Cover: Expenses related to treatment for mental illnesses are covered.
💬 Second Medical Opinion: Facility for obtaining a second medical opinion from a network provider.
🌟 Wellness Programs: Wellness rewards and discounts for maintaining good health and following prescribed wellness programs.