You may be sleeping every night, but is it quality sleep? Are you getting up more refreshed and energetic or do you feel more tired the next morning? Is this is a result of a disturbed sleep? Beyond your costly investments in the coir bedding's and soft pillows, you need to be committed to a pattern of sleep.
Let’s help you out with some Xpert tips for a good sleep cycle and for getting proper rest at night.
Off that TV
Too much of everything is bad, be it television or computer, the light emission from both the sets confuses your brain into thinking that it’s still daytime!
So, if you find yourself restless in bed after watching your favorite show on TV or submitting a last minute report through your computer, then it’s time to turn down the lights real low, put on some soothing, soft music and just relax for 15-20 minutes before attempting to catch some sleep.
Drinking Milk
Now don’t confuse milk with coffee, the first one induces sleep while the later drives away the slumber. Milk has an acidic content, which increases serotonin level in the brain, slowing down the active mode of the brain. Even having alcohol and smoking cigarettes at night may disrupt the sleeping pattern and you tend to have a disturbed and poor sleep.
Bedtime Routines
No Electronic Items
Don’t keep any electrical items other than the AC or the fan in your bedroom. Let the bedroom serve its true purpose of sleep. Work items like computer or laptop have a negative effect on your sleeping environment.
Switch off the lights, and if possible do not keep any night-lamp, however dim it might be. It is a medically proven fact that any sort of light disturbs the sleeping pattern of the body; there are some growth organs in an adolescent or growing body which function only during the absence of light.
Yoga and Meditation
One of the easiest and most relaxing of yoga postures is the Corpse pose, which basically serves as the cool down posture and is done to conclude every yoga class. Lie down on the bed and allow your body to go absolutely limp and feel your muscles softening starting from the toe and moving right up to the crown of your head.
Then deeply breathe in and out for the next few minutes and concentrate and focus your mind on the expansion and contraction of the lungs. Feel the difference in your body as it goes utterly limp and prepared for a restful night.
Avoid Sleeping in the day
Try not to have that noon siesta. You can have quick forty winks if you are feeling too tired, but try not to make it a habit. If you are a bit tired out after the day’s activities, you may have a good, deep dreamless sleep.
Disciplined Sleep
Set a biological clock, get up and go to bed on more or less a fixed time. This disciplined rhythm will help you sleep better and on time.
Light Snack
Sleep will elude you if your stomach is too full or too empty. A light snack just before bedtime will keep you filled and will induce a deep slumber.
A healthy massage by your spouse will help you relax instantly. The gentle and soothing stroking action relieves the tensed muscles, lulling you to the sleep world.
All said and done, avoid those drugs and pills for sleeping better, they are extremely addictive and if you allow yourself to become dependant on them, they will become a dangerous habit, without which you may not be able to hit the sack. Induce natural and relaxed slumber with all the above-mentioned tips. It’s not that tough and the results are quite satisfactory.
I have personally found soft music meant for meditation to be very relaxing. So much so, that all through the stressful day, I look forward to that tiny spell of time at night when I’m listening to music and drifting off towards peacefulness. Find a way that suits you best and stick to it!